28 abril

Invited – on behalf of the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investments and Services (MINPLAN) – by Mr. Ceferino Namuncurá, Provisional Supervisor of the National Communications Commission (CNC) and Mr. Néstor Pablo Tognetti, President of AR-SAT S.A. during the V Meeting of the Assembly of CITEL held in Mexico DF, Dr. Hamadoun Touré, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (UN), visited INVAP today.

Besides  Namuncurá and Tognetti, Touré was accompanied by Mr. Sergio Scarabino, representative of ITU in South America; members of ARSAT S.A. Board of Directors; Mr. Carlos Fernandez, Chairman of INVAP’s Board of Directors; Mr. Horacio Osuna, Vice-chairman and Mr. Héctor Otheguy, CEO.

During the tour, the guests had the chance to know the different lines of business that the technology company is currently working in.  In particular, the officials showed interest in the first Argentine telecommunication geostationary satellites, that INVAP is designing and building for AR-SAT S.A. and that will cover the orbital positions assigned by ITU to our country.  Said satellites will allow our country to exploit a strategic resource and to earn profit from the marketing of telephony, data, Internet and TV communication services of high added value. 

Yesterday at the 2011 Telecommunication Forum “Argentina conectada”, organized by MINPLAN2011 in Buenos Aires, Mr. Touré had already pointed out that ARSAT project’s success will show that countries such as Argentina have the knowledge and skills to compete with more advanced countries”.

+INFO: Ministerio de Planificación Federal, Inversión Pública y Servicios


Video, fuente: CN23