20 May

08-12-2007 – The Argentine Air Force has authorized the official operation of the Secondary Single Pulse Radar “INKAN” : The Argentine Air Force, assisted by the International Civil Aeronautics Organization (ICAO), has authorized the official operation of the Secondary Single Pulse Radar “INKAN” – developed and built by INVAP – whose operation will be a significative addition to the safety of civil aeronautics in Argentina.

The Argentine Air Force, assisted by the International Civil Aeronautics Organization (ICAO), has authorized the official operation of the Secondary Single Pulse Radar “INKAN” – developed and built by INVAP – whose operation will be a significative addition to the safety of civil aeronautics in Argentina. The homologation was performed on the INKAN installed at the airport of INVAP´s hometown San Carlos de Bariloche, and three further INKANs – part of a first lot of 11 such radar systems – are under construction in Quilmes (near Buenos Aires), Neuquén and Santa Rosa (province of La Pampa). This equipment is part of the National Radarization Plan under way in Argentina, following the decision of the Argentine Government to priorize the participation of the local industry in this endeavour.

Since the homologation of the INKAN is internationally valid, the system may be used anywhere in the world.”