28 June

On June 25, The Minister of Economy Lic. Martín Guzmán and the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr. Roberto Salvarezza, headed a delegation that visited INVAP’s headquarters in San Carlos de Bariloche.

Welcomed by the Minister of Economy of the Province of Río Negro, Accountant Luis Vaisberg; the Secretary of Government, Industrial Designer Daniel Sanguinetti; and on behalf of INVAP, Dr. Vicente Campenni, General Manager; Lic. Carlos Montenegro and Engineer Marcelo Basigalup, General Deputy Managers; and Engineer Gabriel Absi, Space Business Manager, they were briefed about INVAP’s most important achievements during almost 45-year trajectory and about its nuclear, space, defense, security and environment, medical systems, and technological services development areas.

During the tour, they visited the Satellite Integration Building, or “clean-room”, where the last satellites developed by INVAP were assembled: SAC-D/Aquarius, ARSAT 1 and 2 belonging to ARSAT, and SAOCOM 1A and 1B to the National Space Activities Commission (CONAE, in Spanish).

The tour included the Hi-Tech Test Center (CEATSA, in Spanish), company created in 2010 as the result of an agreement between the Argentine Company for Satellite Solutions S.A. (ARSAT) and INVAP with the aim of providing environmental testing services. In the Center’s facilities, the authorities were able to take a look at several pieces of equipment used to carried out these tests.

At the end of the tour, Dr. Vicente Campenni, the General Manager of INVAP, delivered a farewell speech and emphasized the importance of the first joint visit to the company of the main authorities of the Ministry of Economy and of Science, Technology and Innovation, highlighting that one of the fundamental pillars of INVAP mission is to contribute to the economic development of the country through the scientific and technological knowledge.