29 June

Minister Daniel Filmus and Governor Sergio Ziliotto signed an agreement under which INVAP will refurbish the equipment of the center owned by the National Atomic Energy Commission in the city of Santa Rosa. The financing exceeds 120 million pesos. Besides, two other agreements were signed with the Province.

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Daniel Filmus, and the Governor of the Province of La Pampa, Sergio Zilio Ziliotto, signed today several agreements at the headquarters of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MINCyT, in Spanish). Among them, an agreement to execute readjustment tasks for the start-up of the radiotherapy equipment of the former Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy Center of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA in Spanish) in the city of Santa Rosa. The MINCyT will allocate $123,165,000 to the refurbishing of the now Radio Oncology Center of the Center of the Country, where reconditioning tasks will be carried out by INVAP.

Also present were the Undersecretary for the Federalization of Science, Technology and Innovation, Luz Lardone; the President of the I+D+i Agency, Fernando Peirano; the President of the CNEA, Adriana Serquis, and the General Manager of INVAP, Vicente Campenni.

In his speech, Filmus pointed out that the agreements signed with the province “mark the course of the task we set ourselves with the federalization of science: on the one hand, to make the budgetary distribution of science and technology more equitable, and on the other hand, to direct investments to generate concrete solutions. In the case of the Radio Oncology Center, the CNEA and INVAP will contribute to the refurbishment of this center, which will be a reference not only in La Pampa but also in the whole region. Actions of this kind show what science and technology are for: to improve the living conditions of our people”.

In his turn, Ziliotto explained: “With the signing of these agreements, the province of La Pampa aims to promote mutual cooperation and carry out activities aimed at strengthening the productive and technological network in our province. The aim is to develop, through different projects and activities, scientific and technological research and innovation for the generation of knowledge and the improvement of productive and service systems”.

For his part, Serquis, who was present at the signing ceremony, said: “As part of the National Nuclear Medicine Program, it is very important for the CNEA to make progress at the La Pampa center. We are going to continue something that had been interrupted, first during the previous national government and then due to the pandemic, taking a step forward in building a facility that will benefit all the people of La Pampa. It was very good to have this meeting to advance in the specific agreement between INVAP and CNEA, in order to complete this center, with the help of the Ahuekna Foundation as a technological linking unit”.

This project is part of the National Nuclear Medicine Plan, which includes, through the consolidation of Nuclear Medicine Centers, a series of measures aimed at providing a better quality of life to the Argentine people by means of the use of nuclear medicine to perform complex health treatments to those who need them.

In addition, both officials signed the benefit allocation agreement between MINCyT and the province for a total of 228 million pesos, which includes various projects of the Undersecretariat for the Federalization of Science, Technology and Innovation: “Federal Innovation Projects 2023 (PFI 2023)”; “Federal Technological Linkers (VITEF 2023); “Grants for the Strengthening of the Management Capacity of Jurisdictional Science and Technology Areas which enhance the presentation of projects within the framework of the Integrated Territorial Agendas”, and “Federal Interministerial Projects for Research, Transfer and Strengthening for health in the territory”.

Afterwards, Peirano and Ziliotto signed a framework collaboration and technical cooperation agreement between the Agency and the Pampean Agency for Science, Technology and Open Innovation, to carry out activities aimed at strengthening productive and technological exchange in the province of La Pampa.

Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation