20 May

01-10-2008 – INVAP distinguished with the Platinum KONEX Award for the decade 1998-2007 : After receiving the regular Konex Award on September 9, the grand jury of the KONEX Foundation has distinguished INVAP – out of a group of the five winners of the above reward in our category – with the Platinum Konex Award in the field of “Scientific and Tecnological Research Institutions” for the decade 1998-2007.

After receiving the regular Konex Award on September 9, the grand jury of the KONEX Foundation has distinguished INVAP – out of a group of the five winners of the above reward in our category – with the Platinum Konex Award in the field of “Scientific and Tecnological Research Institutions” for the decade 1998-2007.

The Regular Konex Award is conceded anually by the Konex Foundation to distinguished 100 personalities and institutions in 20 different fields and activities, which are seen to “serve as examples to the young” – as is said in the bylaws of the Foundation. In addition, out of each of 20 categories, the one considered to be the best is further awarded the KONEX Platinum Award.

This still more important distinction as the regular KONEX reported earlier, fills us with pride and still more enthusiasm and confirms us that we are on the right path leading Argentina towards a better future.

In 2003 we had the honour that our Vicepresident for Nuclear Projects, Juan J. Gil Gerbino, M.Sc. was awarded the Platinum Konex Award for the decade 1993 – 2002. Before that, our founder, Dr. Conrado F. Varotto, was awarded in 1993 the Platinum Prize for achievements in “Nuclear Physicis and Technology” for the decennium 1983 – 1992.

The Balseiro Institute, alma mater of many of our professionals, has also been awarded the Platinum Konex for 1998-2007 in the category of “Educational Institutions”. We are very happy to express our congratulations.