20 May

10-12-2008 – SUCCESFUL PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW OF FIRST ARGENTINE COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE: During the last days of November the Preliminary Design Review of the first Argentine Geostationary Telecommunications Satellite ARSAT-1, of the recently created state enterprise Soluciones Satelitales SA, belonging to the Ministry of Federal Planning and Public Investment.

During the last days of November the Preliminary Design Review of the first Argentine Geostationary Telecommunications Satellite ARSAT-1, of the recently created state enterprise Soluciones Satelitales SA, belonging to the Ministry of Federal Planning and Public Investment. INVAP was the main contractor for the first phase – preliminary design – of this satellite, and the recent PDR – which lasted for four days of meetings, discussions and exhibits held between specialists of INVAP, AR-SAT and some international experts. The Argentine Government Secretariat for Communications also participated, as well as the National Communications Commision. This PRD concluded the preliminary phase of the project and the way is open to proceed with detailed engineering and the construction of ARSAT-1. The schedule for the project includs that ARSAT-1 be ready for launching early in 2012. From that moment on, ARSAT-1 will transmit telephone communications, data transmission, television and internet services for the southern half of South America. The future plan of AR-SAT includes the construction of two more satellites, to be launched in 2013 and 2014, which together wth ARSAT-1 will constitute the Argentine Geostationary Telecommunications Satellite System (Sistema Satelital Geoestacionario Argentino de Telecomunicaciones, SSGAT), which will cover the whole American Continent.