20 May

20-01-2010 – Ms PRESIDENT OF ARGENTINA, Dr CRISTINA FERNÁNDEZ DE KIRCHNER INAUGURATES NEW INSTALLATIONS OF INVAP : In her speech, Ms President called for a deepening of Argentina´s presence in Science and Technology. Last January 20, inauguration of the first stage of the new facilities and the starting of work on the second stage were presided by the President of Argentina, Ms Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. In her speech she said, “This kind of undertaking is essential for the progress of a country”. With other national and provincial authorities she toured the new installations in full detail.

In her speech, Ms President called for a deepening of Argentina´s presence in Science and Technology.

Last January 20, inauguration of the first stage of the new facilities and the starting of work on the second stage were presided by the President of Argentina, Ms Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. In her speech she said, “This kind of undertaking is essential for the progress of a country”. With other national and provincial authorities she toured the new installations in full detail.

Among the many authorities present, may be mentioned Dr. Miguel Saiz, the Governor of the Rio Negro Province, which is the legal owner of the company, the national Ministers for Planning and Infrastructure, Dr. De Vido, Defense, Ms Nilda Garré, and Science and Technology, Dr. Lino Barañao, the respective Presidents of the Atomic Energy and Spatial Activities Commissions, the banking authorities which are financing the project, some specially invited guests, and the authorities of the company.

Ms President was shown the new installations in full detail and had her picture taken with the mass of INVAP´s employees.

In the inaugural act proper, Héctor Otheguy, CEO of the company insisted upon the importancee of Science and Technology for any country in the modern World and explained the role played by INVAP in this context.

The Governor of the Province of Rio Negro, Dr. Miguel Saiz, mentioned the pride to have such an undertaking Ander the ownership of the Province. “Bariloche is the most prominent center of scientific and technological research in the country” he said. He also thanked for the continuous support of the National Government. “The country has begun to be credible to the world” he signalled.

The last speech was that of Ms. Fernández de Kirchner, who had the highest appraisal for the activities of INVAP, showing especially the importante of the association of INVAP with the US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) which has decided to orbit a costly instrument for the measurment of the salinity of the seas on an Argentine satellite platform. A platform “totally build in Argentina by Argentine Scientists”.

Ms. Fernández also mentioned some of the other projects, such as radar systems for civilian and military applications under way, and rendered special hommage to the special guests presents. “which have not ceased to dream of an Argentina capable of superating being mere exporters of natural resources with little value added.

She reminded the audience that it was her administration who created the Ministry for Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, and expressed her pride for the creation of a special room in the Government Palace in Buenos Aires to render homage to the Argentine Scientists. She recalled some of the precursors of the scientific development of the country, as well as our Nobel Price winners. She also mentioned that under her Administration, more than 700 scientists have come home. “We shall only be free if we are able to produce more Science and Technology, and awakening in our young generation the interest in these matters.” 

Photographic souvenirs of the event can be found at the specific site: http://www.inauguracioninvap.com

 (Photo by Chiwi Giambirtone)