20 May

20-9-2006 – INVAP and Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA to collaborate in the completion of the construction of NPP AtuchaII. : On september 18th, INVAP and Nucleoeléctrica Argentina (NA-SA), a state-owned company which operates all Argentine Nuclear Power Plants, have signed an agreement by which INVAP can be contracted by NA-SA for any work tending towards the completion of NPP AtuchaII.

On september 18th, INVAP and Nucleoeléctrica Argentina (NA-SA), a state-owned company which operates all Argentine Nuclear Power Plants, have signed an agreement by which INVAP can be contracted by NA-SA for any work tending towards the completion of NPP AtuchaII. The construction of this NPP, the third nuclear power project undertaken in Argentina, has been interrupted for a number of years, and is now to be resumed by a decision of the Argentine Government. The items covered by the agreement include all stages of the project, including safety reports, engineering services, design, manufacture and installation and commissioning of equipment and systems.”