20 May

24-04-2004 – INVAP excellence in design achieves international recognition. : Among all users of top-level Bentley engineering design software employed worldwide among designers of highly complex projects, INVAP has been nominated for the annual Bentley Award 2004 in the category “Plant”.

Among all users of top-level Bentley engineering design software employed worldwide among designers of highly complex projects, INVAP has been nominated for the annual Bentley Award 2004 in the category “Plant”. INVAP employs these design tools for the “electronic model” of the Replacement Research Reactor under construction in Australia. The award winner will be announced next month, but our nomination puts INVAP among the recognized world leaders in complex industrial design.

The electronic model of the RRR is part of the engineering of the reactor and consists of over 1,000 virtual reactor components integrated into the reactor building. The model permits a virtual walk through all parts of the reactor and a 3D visualization of all its details. During this walk, several operations can be performed, such as measurements as if one were carrying a yardstick; it is even possible to simulate the displacement of some components for maintenance. The electronic model comprises about 1 Gigabyte of data and was constructed by a team of three, MM. A. Reybaud, A. Vera and A. Schumperli. Participation in the award contest was by special invitation, and now we learn that INVAP has been nominated as for the Award in its category amongst only three or four other proyects worldwide.

The final decision will be taken by an international jury composed of highly qualified users of the system, as well as other international design experts.