20 May

29-11-2005 – INVAP to build an exhibiton facility for the “Children of the Llullaillaco” : INVAP has been assigned by the Government of the Province of Salta, Argentina, the task to design and to build for the Museum of High Altitude Archaeology of Salta a facility to allow the conservation and public exhibition of the so-called “Children of the Llullaillaco”…

INVAP has been assigned by the Government of the Province of Salta, Argentina, the task to design and to build for the Museum of High Altitude Archaeology of Salta a facility to allow the conservation and public exhibition of the so-called “Children of the Llullaillaco”, remains fron a sacrificial burial found by an international expedition near the summit of the Llullaillaco volcano, at 6700 m altitude. The Children have an antiquity of more than 500 years and belong to the prehispanic Inca culture. Their state of conservation is almost perfect, due to the high altitude and the low temperatures.

The facility to be constructed will reproduce the conditions of pressure, temperature and humidity, at the same time allowing the Children to be seen by visitors of the Museum, which was created to this end by the Government of Salta.