7 February

The Argentine state-owned telecommunication company ARSAT participated together with INVAP in the milestone that defines the satellite characteristics and performance, which will be aimed at providing high quality satellite Internet in rural areas with full coverage in Argentina and partial coverage in bordering countries.

In the context of the contract for the provision of a second generation satellite —ARSAT-SG1— ARSAT participated together with INVAP (a company of the Province of Río Negro) in the contractual milestone called Satellite Requirements Review Close Out (SRRCO) during January 31 and February 1, in accordance with the established schedule.

With this review, significant progress was made as regards the completion of the mission requirement determination at the satellite system and subsystem levels, which will be provided with electric propulsion and high communication capabilities. These features define the satellite characteristics and performance to meet the necessary specifications in order to supply ARSAT’s clients with services.

With the success of this milestone, teams continue with the preliminary design work that will be reviewed for the next milestone —Preliminary Design Review (PDR) — that will be reached in the coming months.

Due to the sanitary conditions widely known, this milestone was carried out virtually, holding videoconferences among more than 100 engineers, authorities, advisers and experts from both parties that have been working on the project.

The ARSAT-SG1 will be the third geostationary satellite of the feet belonging to the Argentine state-owned telecommunication company ARSAT. It will be aimed at providing high quality satellite broadband in rural areas with full coverage in Argentina and partial coverage in bordering countries.