19 March

Within the context of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, INVAP activated the protocol due to a potential case of one of its employees, who after returning from a journey to a zone deemed risky and remaining at his home in San Carlos de Bariloche during the 15-day isolation period, began to manifest high fever.

Last night, this person was moved to Bariloche Regional Hospital “Dr. Ramón Carrillo” for evaluation and test results are still awaited. 

All procedures related to a case of this kind were immediately adopted and are being strictly followed. The person, who remains hospitalized, reported all contacts he had in the company, and this information was later expanded through an additional investigation. 

All the persons identified have been notified and preventively isolated, sending them home until the results of the tests carried out by the hospital are available. 

The company has implemented a Social Distance Policy, in line with the measures taken by official agencies to reduce the spread of the virus. These include preventing citizens’ movements by offering the staff all they need to work from home, urging them not to use public transportation means, and canceling all domestic and international travel.

These measures were reinforced with the creation of a crisis committee that is constantly updating the implemented actions according to the latest official recommendations and the evolution of the global context.