6 March

On March 5, the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting took place at INVAP’s headquarters in San Carlos de Bariloche, where the appointment of a permanent and alternate Director on behalf of the Province of Río Negro was discussed. 

The Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Lic. Arabela Carreras, was present together with the President of the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish), Lic. Osvaldo Calzetta Larrieu; members of the Board of Directors of INVAP such as its Vice-President, Lic. Hugo Albani; permanent Directors Engineer Hugo Brendstrup, Dr. Alberto Lamagna and Luis Billinger; permanent trustees, Dr. Aurelia Schepis, Dr. Américo Antoniotti and Accountant Carlos Gardella; INVAP’s General Manager, Dr. Vicente Campenni as well as its General Deputy Managers, Lic. Carlos Montenegro and Engineer Marcelo Basigalup, were also present. 

In the meeting, the resignation for professional reasons of the Director, Dr. Néstor Pablo Tognetti, was unanimously approved. Ms. Soledad Diana Gonnet, who is also Executive Director in the Agency of Knowledge Innovation and Economy of the Province of Río Negro, was appointed in his place. 

Besides, Engineer Bibiana Raquel Cruz, member of INVAP’s staff from the first years of the company and Systems Manager until her recent change of position, was appointed as the new alternate Director.