Air Defense Radar Surveillance Console System
Defense and security
The Air Defense Radar Surveillance Console System (SCODA for its Spanish acronym) provides the needed functionality to support surveillance aerospace operations in military environments. Through its distributed capabilities allows users to collaborate during operations in classification and identification tasks.

The operator can easily visualize the operational picture and control the radar sensor through a digital and intuitive graphic environment, offering support tools for air defense operations.
Each SCODA console can work autonomously or in cooperation with other terminals over the network, according to operational needs and the role assigned to each operator.
Main features
Multi-radar support.
Plot and track representation, differentiating real targets from simulated ones.
Representation of trajectories estimated } from the latest available heading and speed information (Dead Reckoning).
Tools for track identification, including labels and graphic symbols. Automatic dissemination to other consoles in the system.
Bullseyes management.
Static and dynamic measurement tools referenced to radar, bullseyes and between different tracks.
Calculation of trajectories and interception points, upon operator´s reuqest, according to the selected interception geometry (CutOff, Stern, Pursuit).
Alarm management, based on area or route assignment (i.e. tracks entering prohibited areas, navigational route abandonment).
Automatic or manual identification of emergency tracks, according to the transponder code.
Labeling of ejection, accident or demolition points with automatic dissemination to the other consoles of the system.
Text messaging tools.
Layered maps, user defined areas, POIs, waypoints, and navigation routes.
Compatibility with training, planning and debriefing tools.
Recording and playback of historical data.
- Coordinate system: WGS84.
- Lambert conic conformal projection.
- Magnetic declination settings.
- Panning, zooming and target centered views.
- Configurable map background color.
- Cursor position information relative to a radar or bullseye (configurable).
Radar data
- Eurocontrol ASTERIX categories 1, 2, 34 and 48.
- Multiradar: up to 5 radars simultaneously.
- Representation of:
– Antenna turn.
– Plots: PSR, SSR, PSR+SSR.
– Tracks: PSR, SSR, PSR+SSR, Navigated.
– Simulated targets. - Geographical filtering sectors.
- Jamming Strobes.
- Measurements: static and dynamic (monitoring).
- Free line drawing.
- Rings: configurable separation. Definable ring center between a radar or bullseye.
- Representation of extended information of up to 7 tracks (tabular).
- Track history of up to 60 points per track.
- Plot history of up to 60,000 points.
- Vector speed of tracks, up to 6 minutes.
- Configurable track labels, up to 6 fields per label.
- Local Tracks navigation.
- Track labeling: identifier and symbol.
- Configuration of position, name and color.
- Definition of up to 5 different bullseyes.
- Multiple layers.
- ESRI Shapefile format.
- Label support.
- Transparency level settings for each layer.
Graphic objects
- Manual definition of graphic objects:
– Notification points.
– Waypoints.
– Aerodromes.
– Sectors.
– Navigation routes. - Recording and retrieval of objects in the database.
- Ability to import objects from ESRI Shapefile files.
- Self-saving and restoration of the work area.
- Target and hunter track selection.
- Interception methods:
– Cut Off.
– Stern.
– Pursuit. - Advice for interception: direction of turn, final attack course, altitude.
- Navigation route abandonment alarm: allows associating a track with a route and defining tolerance thresholds in both the vertical and horizontal planes.
- Work sector abandonment alarm: generates a notification when a track exceeds the limits of the area predefined by the operator.
- Alarm for entry to prohibited sector: generates a notification when a track enters an area predefined by the operator.
- Tracks:
– Automatic identification by 3/A transponder mode.
– Manual identification.
– Type: hijack, radio, general. - Ejection / accident / demolition points:
– Definition of the type of emergency, geographic coordinates and identifier.
Recording and Playback
- Centralized recording for all consoles in the system.
- Independent data reproduction stored by console.
Interaction with other system consoles
- Text messaging.
- Dissemination of maps and graphic objects.
- Dissemination of labels manually assigned to tracks including the emergency condition.
- Automatic dissemination of ejection / accident / demolition points.