Scientific Application Satellites

With over 30 years of experience in this kind of mission, INVAP has been designing, manufacturing, testing, and placing into orbit satellites created for scientific applications and Earth observation.

By successfully designing, manufacturing, and placing into orbit 7 satellites through the National Space Activities Commission (CONAE), the company has gained an international reputation of excellence in satellite technology. Today we are the only Latin American company with the ability to deliver complete satellite projects from the conception of the mission operation to the orbit placement and satellite operation, excluding the actual launch.

Furthermore, we have the skills and expertise to provide solutions relating to the design and development of the systems and subsystems that are part of the satellite platform and their payloads.

Our internal capabilities encompass a staff of highly trained specialists and international production, integration, and testing facilities that ensure full accountability of the process and guarantee long term commitment to clients.

Since the beginning, INVAP has developed projects for the National Commission of Space Activities (CONEA) in partnership with international agencies such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the National Air and Space Administration (NASA), the Center for Space Studies in France (CNES), and the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB). Beyond any doubt, we meet the most stringent standards in the global industry.

Our experience


  • Nanosatellites, Small-scale satellites and Large-scale satellites
  • Electric and mechanical ground support equipment


  • Optical instruments with resolution ranging from hundreds of meters to submetric panchromatic, multispectral and hyperspectral resolution
  • L-band synthetic aperture radar instruments
  • X-band synthetic aperture radar instruments (currently under construction)
  • Instruments for measuring gamma rays and x-rays
  • Custom designed instruments


  • Design of satellite operations
  • Technical operator training
  • Actual operation

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