The Board

The mission of the Board of Directors is to set the overall company policy. It also defines the lines of business, approves the investment plan, and evaluates the performance and results of the General Management. There are seven members of the Board, four of which are appointed by the Province of Rio Negro, two by the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) and the remaining one is elected by the company’s staff.

The current Board is comprised of the following individuals:

Lic. Hugo Albani

Vice President:
Dr. Vicente Campenni

Permanent Directors:
Dr. Germán Guido Lavalle
Ing. Juan Pablo Ordoñez
Dr. Federico Lutz
Ing. Víctor Herrero
Téc. Luis E. Billinger Mancioli

Deputy Directors:
Lic. Bibiana Cruz
Lic. Eduardo Santos
Dr. Alberto Lamagna
Dr. Diego Hurtado Mendoza
Mrs. María Isabel Ballesteros

Statutory Auditors:
Dra. Aurelia Schepis
C.P.N. Carlos Gardella
C.P.N. Christian Etchevarne

Deputy Statutory Auditors:
C.P.N. Yoanna Maribel García
Dr. Sebastián Arrondo
Dr. Américo Antoniotti

Our Senior Officers

The General Manager carries out all special actions to fulfill both general policies and company policies established by the Board.

The role of the General Manager

  • Reports to the Board as the top executive, accounting for the administration of the company’s policies.
  • Legally represents the company.
  • Informs the Board on the progress, results, and advancement of the company.
  • Approves the tenders and contracts.
  • Decides on execution of projects.
  • Uses the operational capacity of the company.
  • Lays out the policy for human resources.
  • Defines the company’s quality assurance policy.
  • Designates and removes managers and those responsible for critical positions in the company.
  • Approves the selected Project Directors proposed by the Division Managers.

Eng. Darío Giussi

General Manager

Darío Giussi is currently General Manager & CEO of INVAP. He obtained a degree in Electronic Engineering from the National University of La Plata. Subsequently, he got a postgraduate degree in Technological Business Management at the University of San Andrés. He joined INVAP in 1997.
Throughout his 26 years of experience in the development and management of critical technologies at INVAP, he has worked as Designer, Systems Engineer, Project Manager and Development Project Manager in the Aerospace, Defense and Security areas, with special emphasis on Radar Sensor systems.

Since INVAP’s inception, he has been involved, in the development of civil and military radars that the company has carried out over the years for the National Government, particularly in the Radarization Plan for the System of Aerospace Surveillance and Control.
From October 2017, he held the position of Defense, Security and Environment Manager until February 2024, when he assumed his current role.

Gabriel Cristian Absi is currently the Deputy General Operational Manager of INVAP. He obtained a degree in Electronic Engineering from the National Technological University in Buenos Aires. Subsequently, he got a degree in Technological Business Management and a Senior Management Program at the University of San Andrés.
He joined INVAP in 1997 in the satellite area to work on the SAC-C satellite. During his 27 years of experience in the company, he participated in several satellite projects and in different roles such as Manufacturing and Test Manager, Design Engineer and Project Manager in different satellite missions.

In 2015, he started working as Deputy Project Manager of the Space Area, and was in charge of the management in 2017 until February 2024 when he assumed his current role.
In parallel with these activities, he was president of the Bondholders’ Association during the period 2011-2012. Between 2013 and 2016, he was a member of INVAP’s Board of Directors as a Director representing the staff.

Ana Cabrera Nicola is currently the Deputy General Manager of Financial and Corporate Administration at INVAP. She earned her degree in Public Accounting from the University of Salvador in Buenos Aires. Between 2004 and 2006, she completed a Master’s in Accounting Management and Control and a Postgraduate Degree in Personnel Management and Labor Relations in Spain. Additionally, she held positions such as Project Controller, Cash Manager, and External Auditor in other large-scale project industries.

She joined INVAP in 2008. During her 16 years of experience in the company, she initially worked as a senior analyst and was later appointed Deputy Manager of Economic-Financial Monitoring in 2016. In 2021, she began serving as Manager of Administration and Finance, until September 2024 when she assumed her current role. Her focus is on the corporate development of the INVAP economic group and the expansion of financial tools, such as entry into the Capital Markets.

Marcelo Basigalup is currently Deputy General Manager of People and Organization at INVAP. Prior to his current position, he has worked in different areas and activities of the company: Head of the Instrumentation and Control of Nuclear Reactors area (he was in charge of this group during the development of the Reactor project that the company sold to Australia), Head of the Electronics division of the Space Area and Head of the Project for the development of a Three-Dimensional Primary Radar.

He also participated in the engineering and development work for the reactor projects sold to Algeria, the RA-8 reactor at Pilcaniyeu, Argentina, the ETTR reactor to Egypt, and the RRRP reactor for Australia. He is a Telecommunications Engineer from the National University of La Plata, has taught Electronics and defined post-secondary level syllabus, and has worked as an international expert in Nuclear Instrumentation.

Ignacio Grossi is currently the Deputy General Manager of Strategy at INVAP. He obtained his degree in Industrial Engineering from the National University of Comahue in 1988. He obtained his MBA degree in Argentina (2000) and completed a Master of Science in Engineering and Management at MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (2003). He joined INVAP in 1988.
His experience includes software development and management as well as complex system design and project management for the aerospace and nuclear industries.

He was the Project Manager for the development and implementation of the first geostationary communications satellite built in Argentina (ARSAT-1), which has been operational in orbit since 2014. He served as Program Director in INVAP's Aerospace Projects and Government Division, leading the ARSAT geostationary satellite development program.
From October 2016, he held the position of International Trade and Supply Manager until February 2024, when he assumed his current role.

Sebastián Clasen is currently Deputy General Manager of Processes and Systems at INVAP. He obtained his degree in Industrial Engineering from the National University of Belgrano in 1998. In addition, he is a certified Project Management Professional, with a specialization in Technological Business Management from the University of San Andrés.
He joined INVAP in 2004 as responsible for the planning and control of the SAC-D/Aquarius project.

After the launching of SAC-D, he was responsible for planning and control of the ARSAT-2 project. In 2017, with the establishment of the Management Integration Division, he became responsible for the Project Management Support Service, unifying this task at the company level.
Additionally, in parallel with these activities, he was president of the Bondholders’ Association during the period 2011-2012.
In 2021, he served as the Manager of the Management Integration Division until February 2024 when he took on his current role.