7 November

The National Minister of Transport, Guillermo Dietrich, visited today INVAP S.E.’s headquarters  in San Carlos de Bariloche, where together with the Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Mr. Alberto Weretilneck; the National Deputy, Dr. Sergio Wisky; the local Mayor, Enginneer Gustavo Genusso; and INVAP’s General Manager & CEO, Dr. Vicente Campenni, announced the agreement signed by the Province of Río Negro’s company and the National Government to modernize and maintain the radar equipment used for air navigation throughout the country.

“We are undergoing an airplane revolution that connects more and more Argentinians. Today, the number of air routes, the frequency of flights and the economic competition have increased; and prices are more affordable so that everybody can fly. However, this growth implies a great responsibility, which is to make the necessary investments in infrastructure and technology for the safety of our flights. Today’s agreement is another step toward this goal. At the same time, we are modernizing the air services and generating the conditions so that INVAP may export. This is the Argentina of the development we all wish,” stated the Minister.

The agreement announced today between the Argentine Air Navigation Company (AESA, in Spanish), dependent on the National Ministry of Transport, and INVAP adds up the outstanding work of the former as an air navigation service supplier and that of INVAP as a technological partner with wide experience on critical systems, and includes technical support, technology development, maintenance, innovation and other strategic cooperation actions.

Among its main points, it establishes that a new Argentine Monopulse Secondary Radar (RSMA, in Spanish) will be supplied and installed by INVAP to allow the identification and selective tracking of aircrafts by adopting Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) technology with Mode S transpoder, in line with the latest global trends and regulations for air navigation. Besides, the agreement provides that the same technology is applied to all the series of RSMAs by updating and extending their life cycle.

Also of great importance in the agreement is the integral maintenance of 22 secondary radars transferred to EANA by the National Ministry of Defense in January 2018, which will contribute to the operation of a key system for air navigation safety in Argentina.

National Department of Defense
Argentine Air Navigation Company