26 October

Today, October 26th is the 29th anniversary of the startup of the RA-6 Reactor, the first Research and Radioisotope production Reactor designed and built by INVAP for the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA).

The reactor is located at San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, close to the Centro Atómico Bariloche (CAB).

As an academic unit, the RA-6 has contributed to the education of hundreds of Argentine and foreign professionals in the fields of physics, engineering, nuclear radiochemistry and materials. It is also used for research in different areas. As an open pool research reactor, with a variable core configuration, it has a versatile and simple design, thus acting as a multipurpose unit.

Besides, the RA-6 played a strategic role in promoting Argentina as a nuclear exporting country. Many foreign experts have been trained there, who are currently nuclear authorities in their own countries and potential partners or buyers for Argentine technology. The facility, built in due time and form, was the first testimony of INVAP’s ability in the design and implementation of complex projects.