2 September 2010

Ernesto Tocker and M. Celina Kaseta, heads of Corporate Social Responsibility Program “VALOR” (VALUE), carried on between INVAP and the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA), presented today the plan to about 30 local suppliers of the company.

VALOR is a program aimed at improving competitiveness and increasing market opportunities for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The same bill with funds from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), through the MIF (Multilateral Investment Fund).

It also seeks to promote the implementation of actions for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), giving priority to those SMEs that are part of the value chains of large companies like INVAP.

VALOR represents an important step in CSR strategy of INVAP, which allow the consolidation of solid and lasting confidence, based on principles of co-responsibility along the value chain of the company.

Those suppliers of the company adhere to the Programme will have the opportunity to train in internal aspects such as organization, dealing with the personnel and the transfer of a vision to the whole. They may also improve external aspects such as caring for the environment, linkages with suppliers and customers, among others.