26 September

The Annual Meeting to review the 43rd Fiscal Year took place today at the firm headquarters in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche. 

Present at the meeting were the Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Mr. Alberto Weretilneck; the President of the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish), Lic. Osvaldo Calzetta Larrieu; members of the Board of Directors of INVAP such as its President, Lic. Héctor Otheguy; its Vice-President, Lic. Hugo Albani; the permanent Directors, Mr. Horacio Osuna, Lic. Pablo Tognetti and Engineer Christian Tisot; and the permanent trustees, Dr. Aurelia P. Schepis and Dr. Américo Antoniotti. Dr. Vicente Campenni, INVAP’s General Manager, as well as Lic. Carlos Montenegro and Engineer Marcelo Basigalup, its General Deputy Managers, also participated.

In the meeting, Engineer Hugo Brendstrup was appointed as the new Permanent Director replacing Horacio Osuna, who was distinguished as President Emeritus for being a board member of INVAP during 35 years. Besides, the appointment of Héctor E. Otheguy as President of the Board of Directors was confirmed.

Likewise, the Report and the Annual Financial Statement corresponding to the 43rd fiscal year, which ended on June 30, 2018, were approved unanimously. Sales of the different business areas —nuclear, space, government technical affairs, and medical systems— amounted to 3,564 million Argentine pesos.

Furthermore, it was unanimously decided to allocate the fiscal year profits, which amounted to $36 millions, to a statutory reserve, to the Home for the Elderly “El descanso de Jesús” (Jesus’ rest), to the bondholders’ (employees’) participation bonus and to an optional reserve for working capital. The management of the Board of

Directors and of the Supervisory Committee for the fiscal year was also approved. 

The new Board of Directors is as follows:

Lic. Héctor Otheguy.

Vice Chairman:
Lic. Hugo Albani

Lic. Osvaldo Calzetta Larrieu 
Lic. Facundo Abel Deluchi
Dr. Néstor Pablo Tognetti
Ing. Hugo Brendstrup 
Ing. Christian Tisot

Deputy Directors:
Dr. Claudio Solari
Engineer Guillermo Padín Zabal
Engineer Juan Ignacio Apanasionek
Engineer Guillermo Gastaldi

Certified Public Accountant Javier Augusto Vermeulen
Dr. Aurelia Patricia Schepis
Dr. Américo Alberto Antoniotti