10 October

A Business lunch for a large Saudi Arabian delegation representing the King Abdullah city of atomic and renewable energy was offered today by Foreign Minister Héctor Timmerman at Palacio San Martín.  Senior officials took part of the lunch, among them, the Federal Planning, Public Investments and Services Minister, Julio De Vido.

The meeting’s main goal was to present – within the framework of the Nuclear Cooperation Agreement signed in 2011 – a general view of the nuclear energy technological capabilities developed by Argentina at different stages, especially in infrastructure and nuclear plants, research reactors and production facilities, small nuclear energy plants, and its perspectives for water desalinization, skills in areas such as nuclear medicine, environmental studies and industrial applications and human resources training.

During the meeting, Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timmerman expressed Argentina’s willingness to share with Saudi Arabia its experience in the peaceful application of nuclear energy over the past 60 years.

The two sides also discussed possibilities of bilateral cooperation in energy and other areas of technological importance, and analyzed regional issues of common concern.

The Argentine Foreign Minister stressed that bilateral cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy is a significant component of the bilateral relations and shows a clear political will to join efforts in strategic areas.

During the visit, the Saudi delegation is scheduled to tour nuclear energy plants in Ezeiza, Atucha, and Bariloche.  The delegation is headed by Minister Waleed H. Abulfaraj, Vice-president of the above mentioned organization, and composed by Minister Khalid M. Al Sulaiman, vice-president of Renewable energies, and a dozen senior officers specialized in nuclear subjects.

At the meeting, Argentina was represented by Mrs. Norma Boero, President of the National Atomic Energy Commission, Mrs. Elena Maceiras, Vice-president of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Mr. Héctor Otheguy INVAP’s CEO, Mr. Turki Al Madi, Saudi Arabian Ambassador in Argentina and officers from various organizations

Dirección de Prensa de Cancillería