27 June

The Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services, Mr. Julio De Vido, on behalf of Argentina and Hashim bin Abdullah Yamani, Chairman of K.A. CARE, on behalf of Saudi Arabia, have signed today a bilateral agreement that establishes a legal framework for economical, scientific and technological cooperation for the peaceful use of nuclear energy.


The document foresees collaboration in areas such as the design, construction and operation of commercial and research reactors; nuclear technological and physical safety; emergency response; waste treatment and disposal; industrial, medical and agricultural uses of nuclear technology; and training and development of human resources.

Besides the Ministry, the official delegation is formed by Mrs. Norma Boero, President of the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA), Mr.  Mauricio Bisauta, CNEA’s Vicepresident; the Foreign Trade under secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship Ambassador Ariel Shale and the vice Chancellor of the University of Buenos Aires and Dean of the Economic Sciences Faculty, Prof. Alberto Edgardo Barbieri.

INVAP’s CEO and General Manager, Mr. Héctor Otheguy, Mr. Juan José Gil Gerbino, Nuclear Projects Manager and Mr. Marcelo Salvatore, Responsible of Strategic Operations of the Nuclear Projects Division, were also part of the delegation.

The official delegation is holding meetings with Saudi officials, to discuss collaboration on oil, mining, agriculture and transportation fields, among others.

Yesterday, and after a meeting with CEOs of major Saudi companies, Ministry De Vido visited the offices of INVAP the the Kingdom’s capital city.





Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services www.minplan.gov.ar