20 October

During the presentation of the Telecommunications Plan “Argentina Conectada” (Argentina Connected) of the Ministry of Planning, Services and Public Investment (MINPLAN), Argentina’s President, Mrs. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, pointed out the leading role of INVAP as contractor of AR-SAT, the Argentine Satellite Solutions Company, in the development of the digital terrestrial television argentine network (SATVD-T).


During the ceremony, that took place yesterday at the Bicentennial Cultural Center (former Buenos Aires Central Post Office Building), the head of the government  and the Planning Minister, Arch. Julio De Vido, inaugurated 5 transmission towers of SATVD-T that are part of the 47 antennas that INVAP will install in different points of the national territory.

In her speech, the President referred to INVAP as a “national exemplary company” that develops satellite and radar technology for the country (access full speech).

In this sense, it is worth remembering that the INVAP forms part of the Digital TV Project from its start, after a contract with AR-SAT/MINPLAN signed in January 2010.  Ever since, INVAP has participated not only in the definition of requirements, concept and detail engineering but in the integration and startup of the equipment required for the operation of relay stations.