9 April

Through the signing of a framework agreement, the two organizations made a commitment to join their efforts to carry out cooperation and know-how transfer actions.

The National Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Roberto Salvarezza, signed a collaboration, cooperation and technology transfer framework agreement with INVAP, represented by its General Manager, Vicente Campenni, with the aim of establishing a collaboration relation in scientific, technological and innovation aspects that are of interest to both parties.

Minister Salvarezza asserted: “We are signing this agreement to be able to coordinate and articulate the cooperation between these institutions. We want science to be an instrument for solving society’s problems. In this case, together with INVAP, we will carry out cooperation and know-how transfer actions. Besides, we will set up a Working Commission to define and program activities and projects.”

On his part, Vicente Campenni stated: “We are very happy to formally establish, through this agreement, a cooperation and collaboration path that we have followed with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation since its creation. In this way, we are further pursuing our vocation to be a link in the value chain of the knowledge economy, relating the academia and science and technology centers with the productive needs of the country.”

The signing of the agreement lays the foundations for the mutual collaboration and cooperation to perform strategic actions aimed at the full development of technological, research and development, and innovation projects; including know-how transfer, the carrying out of innovation projects, the provision of technical assistance services and the training of human resources.

In this way, the parties affirm their commitment to join efforts so as to maximize the use of available resources for the fulfillment of their missions and functions. To this end, there will be joint projects; information exchanges; facilitation of the use of equipment, materials and technological, computer and communication devices; as well as technical assistance and technological transfer on the subjects covered by this agreement. In addition, opportunities for technological and innovation development in the field of science and technology will be explored.

The meeting was also attended by the Secretary of Scientific Technological Articulation, Juan Pablo Paz; the Undersecretary of Institutional Coordination, Pablo Núñez; and INVAP’s Manager of Technological Integration Services, Engineer Juan Carlos Rodríguez.

Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation