18 February

On January 20, Dr. Alejandro Ceccatto, President of  the National Scientific and Technical Research Council  (CONICET, in Spanish,  visited INVAP’s headquarters in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche in the context of the 40th anniversary of the state-owned company, and gave a commemorative plaque to Mr. Horacio Osuna, President of INVAP, and Lic. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager & CEO.  

The delegation of the CONICET included Mg. Juan Carlos Soria, Director of the Technological Liaison of the CONICET; Lic. Silvia Brizzio, Chief of the Industry Liaison and Technology Transfer Area  dependent on the CONICET of the North Patagonia Scientific and Technical Center; and Dr. Ana Clara Carro, on behalf of the Technological Liaison Office of the CONICET of the North Patagonia Scientific and Technical Center. 

They were welcomed at INVAP by Lic. Héctor Otheguy, General Manager & CEO; Mr. Horacio Osuna, President; Dr. Pablo Tognetti, Director; Dr. Vicente Campenni and Engineer Juan Pablo Ordoñez, Deputy General Managers;  Lic. Ricardo Sagarzazu, Director of the Strategic Developments Area; Engineer Verónica Garea, Director of INVAP Foundation; Engineer Gabriel Absi, Space Area Manager; and Engineer Hugo Brendstrup; Manager of the Industrial and Alternative Energy Area; and Dr. Eduardo Nassif, from the Nuclear Project Management.  

During the guided visit to the company’s headquarters, the delegation was briefed about INVAP’s most important achievements throughout its 40-year trajectory and about its development areas as regards the following fields: nuclear, space, government, industrial, alternative energies, information and communications technology (TICs, in Spanish) and technological services. 

They could also visit the Satellite Integration Building, or clean-room, where they could observe the SAOCOM 1A and 1B satellites in their different assembling stages. These earth observation satellites built in the context of the Argentine National Space Program of the Argentine National Space Activities Commission (CONAE, in Spanish) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI, in Italian) are aimed to prevent, monitor, mitigate, assess natural and anthropogenic disasters,  and measure soil moisture values to be used in emergencies. 

Besides, the tour included the Hi-Tech Test Center (CEATSA, in Spanish), company created in 2010 as the result of an agreement between the Argentine Company for Satellite Solutions ARSAT S.A. and INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company) with the aim of providing environmental testing services. 

Finally, they gathered at the office of INVAP’s Board of Directors, where they exchanged presents and Dr. Ceccatto met the four researchers of the Council that work at INVAP, Dr. Isidoro Vaquila, Dr. Mariana Di Tada, Dr. José González and Dr. Sonia Cotes.