20 June

We share the words of Dr. Conrado Varotto, founder of INVAP and former Executive and Technical Director of the National Space Activities Commission (CONAE, in Spanish).

It is with deep regret that CONAE expresses its condolences on the death of Dr. Alberto Maiztegui on June 18, 2018. We would like to share with his family, friends and disciples the farewell words sent by Dr. Conrado Varotto, former Executive and Technical Director of the CONAE, and the message from Dr. Juan Tirao, President of the National Academy of Sciences (ANC, in Spanish). 

“As someone who was not born in Argentina, but who feels deeply indebted to this country, I cannot help thinking that Dr. Maiztegui is one of the reasons of my debt of gratitude. I had the chance to meet Alberto in my professional training, to which he contributed as an excellent teacher. But I also had the opportunity to see his joint effort with María del Carmen to start and bring up a family according to values that both of them considered crucial and inalienable.
How much good it would do us today if the new generations of Argentinians could appreciate this aspect of his ‘sacred humanity’.
Alberto, we accompany you with our prayers, and you, next to the Lord, please help us with yours.
A big hug

“Dear colleagues: as many of you already know, Dr. Alberto Pascual Maiztegui has passed away today. He was President of the ANC and made countless contributions to teaching, research, teacher training, and science education and dissemination. During his tenure as head of the ANC, Dr. Maiztegui was the driving force and main responsible in our institution of activities related to school education. He promoted the establishment of liaisons between the different levels of education, essentially through the Interinstitutional Cooperation Agreement, which thanks to his efforts and dedication was signed in the year 2000 between the ANC, the National University of Córdoba and the Ministries of Education and of Science and Technology of the province of Córdoba. In this particularly sad moment, we extend our deepest condolences to Dr. Maiztegui’s daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as to his friends and disciples. Alberto is already with María del Carmen.
Juan Tirao”.