1 December

The Minister of Defense, Mrs. Nilda Garré, and INVAP CEO, Mr. Héctor Otheguy signed a five-year framework arrangement intended to strengthen the relationship between both institutions and to carry out projects in technology, systems and equipment for military operations and activities.

The document also establishes the basis to subscribe specific agreements to regulate each project’s workplan and procedures in order to achieve the foreseen goals.  Each of these agreements will state the goals, technical scope, budget and workplan among other subjects.

INVAP is the only company in Latin America able to manufacture secondary radars for air traffic control.  These equipments, fully desigend by technicians of INVAP and the Argentine Armed Forces, are approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

The radars are built by the Argentinian Air Force and the Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC) – Ministry of Planning, and several of these are already installed and in operation in Argentinian airports.

Besides, INVAP is developing for the Military Fabrication General Direction and following the guidelines of the Ministry of Defense, the prototype of a 3D primary radar for defense applications.