13 January

The Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneck, and the National Senator Miguel Pichetto, arrived today in Bariloche to accompany a delegation of four US Congressmen and the US Ambassador in Argentina, Vilma Martínez, in a visit to INVAP SE, intended to promote technical and scientific cooperation between both countries.


Senators Richard Shelby of Alabama, Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Michael Crapo of Idaho and Susan Collins of Maine participated in the tour and presentation, hosted by INVAP Chairman, Horacio Osuna and other officials.

The delegation, national and provincial authorities visited INVAP facilities in order to know the technical skills of Argentina in the nuclear and aerospace fields. The members of the delegation were informed of INVAP participation in the design and construction of the SAC-D/Aquarius satellite platform, which contributes to the global study of ocean salinity to better understand the climate change phenomenon.

In the first place, the group visited the Satellite Integration Building, the clean rooms and the flight model of the first argentine telecommunication satellite ARSAT-1. They also observed the scale models of all the scientific applications satellites developed by INVAP: SAC-A, SAC-B, SAC-C, SAC-D/ Aquarius.

Juan Pablo Ordoñez, Deputy Manager of the Nuclear Project Divison of INVAP, offered a presentation describing the main projects the company has been engaged in throughout its history.

It is worth mentioning that INVAP is a public company owned by the Province of Río Negro, that has been developing state of the art technology in different fields of industry, science and applied research for the past 35 years, creating “technology packages” of high value added. Its main projects are in the areas of Nuclear Technology, Government and Aerospace; Industrial Technology and Alternate Energies and Medical Equipment.

INVAP has exported Research and Radioisotope Production Reactors to Algeria, Egypt and Australia and provides nuclear technology services to twenty other countries. It has built low orbit satellites for Earth observation, industrial facilities, radar systems and radiotherapy centers, among other developments.

Secretaría de Medios, Gobierno de la Provinica de Río Negro