24 May

Today, Río Negro’s Governor, Mr. Alberto Weretilneck, the Vice Governor Mr. Carlos Peralta, the National Senator Mr. Miguel A. Pichetto, the National Representative Mrs. Silvina García Larraburu and the Mayor of Pilcaniyeu City, visited INVAP’s Headquarters.

The authorities were welcomed by the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Horacio Osuna, INVAP’s CEO Mr. Héctor Otheguy, Members of the Board and Managers of the different technological areas of INVAP. 

During the visit, the Governor expressed his satisfaction with the company’s performance, which creates new job opportunities not only inside INVAP but with suppliers and associated companies. On his turn, Senator Pichetto showed interest in the various projects being carried out by the National State, through the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investments and Services and the Ministry of Defense.

Finally, the government officers shared a briefing on the status of both the SAC-D/Aquarius project, which is now approaching its first year of succesful operation in orbit, and the ARSAT-1 Satellite – in advance stage of integration – designed and built by the Argentine Company for Satellite Solutions ARSAT S.A., which is scheduled for next year.