1 September

For many years now, it has been inevitable to think of Río Negro as a synonym of technology. Our province has become an important technological pole for the country and the world. To a large extent, it has been possible due to INVAP’s significant contribution: satellites, radars, nuclear reactors, and the list goes on. Everything has been designed and manufactured in the province by technicians and researchers of our State-owned research and technology company.

And I never get tired of saying that INVAP belongs to the State. It belongs to us, to all the men and women of Río Negro. It is the jewel of our technological complex, a paradise of knowledge, high quality, experience and reliability. This is the reason why I am enormously satisfied that it is from Río Negro and State-owned.

Not surprisingly, last year our INVAP was awarded the Diamond Konex Prize —the highest award given by the Konex Foundation— on account of its achievements all through its trajectory.

And nowadays, in pandemic times, we are thrilled with this new historical achievement: the launch of the SAOCOM 1B, another satellite built in Río Negro that will orbit our planet.

Today, more than ever, I want to ratify my personal commitment and that of the Government of Río Negro to defend INVAP as a provincial State-owned company. You will see us working, managing, coordinating and creating the conditions for it to continue growing and operating.

I would like to express my highest appreciation to all its workers, both the current ones and those who left their legacy. The professionalism and the complete dedication with which they carried out their tasks won Río Negro’s worldwide recognition for its achievements in research and technology.

Happy Birthday, INVAP! And thank you!

Governor Arabela Carreras

Source: Press of the Government of the Province of Río Negro