31 July

Today at Tecnópolis, Argentina’s Minister of Defense, Mr. Arturo A. Puricelli, headed a panel devoted to the presentation of the 2nd edition of TEC2 Magazine, a publication edited by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Research for the Defense (CITEDEF), an organization under the Ministry of Defense.   The panel was also formed by Mr. Eduardo A. Fabre, President of CITEDEF; Mr. Horacio González, Director of the National Library; Mr. Ricardo Forster, a philosopher and professor at the University of Buenos Aires, and Mr. Héctor Otheguy.

During his speech, the Minister highlighted the advances in Science and Technology for the Defense in the last few years and stressed the recovery of the Military Aircraft Factory (FAdeA), of the Argentine Naval Industrial Complex (CINAR) as well as the construction of primary and secondary radars with national technology and professionals.

In turn, Mr. Otheguy started his conference by showing the audience an audiovisual  presentation that describes SAC-D/Aquarius design and construction tasks performed by INVAP and pointed out that “this satellite is a sample of the competitive level of the national space technology”. He then presented the OPAL Reactor experience in Australia and briefly commented on other technological projects of the company, to end the presentation by mentioning the Program for the Installation of Radar Systems promoted in 2004 by former President Néstor Kirchner. Finally, Mr. Otheguy emphasized that this level of development is the result of the smart use of the State’s buying power which reflects in strategic decisions taken at the right moment, taking into account the whole National Science and Technology System.

Agreeing with Mr. Puricelli, Mr. Otheguy recalled a statement by mathematician Adrián Paenza, who, at the Martin Fierro 2011 Awards Ceremony said: “Néstor and Cristina Kirchner have invited Science and Technology to sit at our table”.

Mr. Eduardo A. Fabre added: “We now feel like part of the science, technology and industrial development model. And what is this model? you may ask.  It is about creating jobs and adding value to primary production through knowledge, by promoting and financing science and technology.”

Héctor Otheguy’s Audiovisual Presentation