23 May

Today, Argentina’s Minister of Tourism, Mr. Carlos Enrique Meyer, visited INVAP Headquarters in San Carlos de Bariloche, together with Agustín Díaz Vega, coordinator of the Nation Branding program.



Welcomed by Mr. Horacio Osuna, Chairman of the Board, Mr. Héctor Otheguy, INVAP’s CEO, Mr. Vicente Campenni, Chief of the ARSAT Program and Mr. Eduardo Rodríguez Lubary, Head of Institutional Relationships, the government officers shared the opportunity to know in detail the different business lines the company is currently engaged in.  

After a tour around the premises, the authorities signed a collaboration agreement by which INVAP adhered to the Nation Brand strategy, a master plan that coordinates the differential factors to succesfully position the country into the world markets, enhancing exports, tourism and investments and spreading our Nation’s best attributes in fields such as culture, traditions, science and sports.


Marca País