13 June

On June 13, at INVAP’s headquarters in San Carlos de Bariloche, a commitment agreement was signed between the pharmaceutical firm Productora Farmacéutica Rionegrina S.E. and INVAP with the aim of establishing a new company in the Province of Río Negro.  

With the presence of the Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Mr. Alberto Weretilneck, the commitment agreement was signed by the President of PROFARSE, Lic. Fabián Zgaib and the Presidente of INVAP, Lic. Héctor Otheguy. Present at the signing ceremony also were the Minister of Economy of the Province of Río Negro, Accountant Agustín Domingo; the Director of Bariloche Regional Hospital, Dr. Leandro Gil; and on behalf of INVAP, the General Manager, Dr. Vicente Campenni; Deputy General Manager, Engineer Juan Pablo Ordoñez; Administration and Finance Manager, Lic. Carlos Montenegro; and Project Manager, Engineer Hugo Brendstrup.   

The main objective of this new company is to collaborate closely in an exclusive and reciprocal way for the development and production of complete prostheses for hip replacements, other joint prostheses, and high quality orthopedic and traumatology products for both Argentina and potential international markets.    

This strategic business association, created thanks to INVAP’s track record in the development of high-tech projects and PROFARSE’s wide experience in the medical and pharmaceutical field, is essential to develop new medical products in the province that allow for the substitution of imports in the area of medical prostheses.