27 November

From November 17 to 21 the 16th Conference of the International Group on Research Reactors (16th IGORR Conference/IAEA Technical Meeting) was held at the Edelweiss Hotel in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche. INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company), together with the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish) hosted the event, attended by more than 100 representatives from various nuclear organizations of the world.

The purpose of this yearly meeting is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences between the organizations and professionals who work actively on the design, building and promotion of new research reactors, as well as to optimize the existing facilities in a significant degree.

This time, the Conference had the assistance of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and a Technical Meeting on Low Power Research Reactors was simultaneously held. Professionals in the area of Nuclear Projects of INVAP delivered several lectures and participated in poster exhibitions. Furthermore, nearly 100 attendants to the Conference toured INVAP’s headquarters, where they were greeted by the Deputy General Manager of the company, Engineer Juan Pablo Ordoñez; the Nuclear Projects Assistant Manager, Engineer Néstor de Lorenzo; Engineer Verónica Garea; the head of Institutional and Commercial Relations, Engineer Eduardo Rodriguez Lubary, and the Chiefs of the ARSAT-1 and ARSAT-2 Projects, Engineers Ignacio Grossi and Luis Genovese.

For his part, Engineer Ordoñez stated that “IGORR brings together all the people involved in the operation of nuclear reactors every eighteen months, and for INVAP it is a unique opportunity to show its capabilities to its potential clients. It is a great honor for Bariloche to have hosted this meeting again, since we had already hosted the IGORR in 1999. Two of the last nine meetings were held here.”

IGORR 2014