11 March

As part of the institutional renewal process, INVAP announced management changes in its organization. The Argentine leading company in the field of technological projects worldwide took a new stage within the emerging business context, which implies the renewal of methodologies and management styles. With the aim of promoting generational change and reinforcing the structure, new authorities were announced who will continue to support competitiveness, technological innovation and excellence.

Engineer Darío Giussi takes over the General Management that until January 2024 was in charge of Dr. Vicente Campenni. “From now on, we will have a management team that will allow for more decentralized and agile decisions, which will enrich our perspective. This reformulation will give more muscle to our actions and foster new synergies,” he said during the announcement. Giussi has been with the company for 28 years.

The team that will accompany him in the five sub-managerial positions was formed as follows: Operations under the responsibility of Gabriel Absi; Strategy led by Ignacio Grossi; Administration and Finance with Carlos Montenegro; People and Organization managed by Marcelo Basigalup; and Processes and Systems overseen by Sebastián Clasen.

“INVAP is a project that has been producing sovereignty since its beginnings. The company made a lot of Argentine talent available for the development of our country. This talent, in turn, transcends borders and shows that we have international capacity and recognition,” pointed out Darío Giussi. And he added: “We seek inspiration from those who founded INVAP, which forces us to be original and daring. We want to promote that creativity and break limits, to continue evolving to contribute from knowledge to the economic progress of the country.”

Together with the new deputy managers, Giussi reinforced one of the company’s maxims, that “it lives by what it sells” for almost five decades. “We are faithful to our economic sustainability, to our founding principle. Our complex technology is consumed by countries and governments, so we are thinking about how to provide solutions to today’s global challenges, which require solving the energy transition to move towards decarbonization and protect the environment. We are attentive to the evolution of technologies ranging from applications for everyday life to Artificial Intelligence,” said the Electronic Engineer, now General Manager of INVAP.

Among the values that identify the organization, Giussi underlined the commitment to genuine work in the country and the vision of playing a leading role in Argentina’s development. “As Vicente Campenni said in his farewell speech,” added Giussi, “I am sure that all of us here share the certainty that what we do as an organization has a transcendent value. We are passionate and committed. We know that we are taking our country to a leading technological position.”

Towards the end of the announcement, the authorities thanked the community and the Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneck, for their support.

The organization that took its first steps in an applied research laboratory now has a new structure that strengthens the generational change and evolves to continue transforming itself. “We have the mission of expanding this company and bringing our knowledge to all over the country,” concluded Giussi.