24 August

Today, the President of the Board of Directors of the INVAP (Applied Research Company), Horacio Osuna, participated in a panel in the context of a Regional Agenda Conference organized by the Catholic University of Córdoba’s Federal Government Institute and the Andean Development Corporation (CAF, in Spanish). The conference brought together distinguished international experts, managers and high-ranking officials who debated about the conditions and challenges for the corporate government of state-owned companies in the Latin American region as well as their modernization.  

To sum up the discussions, Alejandro Groppo, the late Dean of the Catholic University of Córdoba’s School of Political Science, stated that the lectures revealed the need of “republican institutional designs” for these companies and the actual likelihood of achieving them. The challenge is to establish sound evaluation programs for their managers and to provide permanent training policies. Some of the lecturers were, among many others, Matías Larraín from the Chilean state-owned copper mining firm (CODELCO, in Spanish), Héctor Buzaglo from the Peruvian National Fund for State-Owned Companies (FONAFE, in Spanish), Antonia Tavares from the Brazilian General Coordinating Agency for Information in State-owned Companies, and Álvaro García-, director of CAF.