30 June

Last June 30, INVAP gave several pieces of equipment —purchased through the Tax Credit Program of the National Institute of Technical Education (INET, in Spanish) and INVAP’s contributions— to representatives of the Technical Education Center (C.E.T., in Spanish) No. 2 and of the Los Andes Cooperative Technical School.

The ceremony was presided by the Human Resources Manager of the company, Lic. Jorge Ledwab, its Personnel Director, Engineer Gabriel Absi, and Lic. Dalila Grinkraut, who is in charge of the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (RSE, in Spanish). Authorities and students of both educational institutions were also present.

C.E.T. No. 2 received a 3D T125 model printer, 16 computers with all their accessories, and software for virtual machining and for tridimensional parametric design, while Los Andes School was given a 3D T125 model printer, another printer, a slide projector, a 1060 RKL laser engraving cutter, and also software for virtual machining and for tridimensional parametric design.

One of the keys of INVAP’s community programs is to promote and intensify technical education. Their main objective is to train students so they can contribute to consolidate a sustainable development model, relate knowledge with productive innovation and reduce technological dependency.