21 April

Some months ago, there was a new invitation to tender to build, in Holland, the Pallas, a nuclear research and radioisotope production reactor. It is the same tender in which INVAP S.E. (an Argentine state-owned applied research company) had been selected for submitting the best technical offer. This tender was later interrupted by the customer due to the global crisis in 2009. 

However, in March, INVAP submitted a new offer together with a Dutch company that would be in charge of the civil engineering works. In this context, a delegation of INVAP traveled to Holland together with the delegation that accompanied the President of the Argentine Nation, Engineer Mauricio Macri, during his visit to this country. 

The offer was submitted by the Manager of the Nuclear Projects Area of INVAP, Engineer Pablo Abbate and other team members of the Nuclear Area, such as Nicolás Gasperoni, who is next to Pablo in the photograph, and many other people whose contribution has been crucial to reach this important stage with a competitive proposal.

+ INFO: http://bit.ly/2nhGqRh