9 September

From September 5 to 7, the Week of Technological Entrepreneurs from the Province of Río Negro 2013 – INNOVATE  Expo took place at the Pedro Estremador gymnasium in San Carlos de Bariloche, with the participation of 30 technology companies and entrepreneurs, among them INVAP S.E. (an Argentine state-owned Applied Research Company).   

The exposition was organized by the Under Secretary’s Office of Science, Technology and Development for Production, dependent on the Ministry of Economy of the Province of Río Negro, and is the first one of its kind held in Argentina. The aim was to discuss issues related to scientific and technological entrepreneurs’ development through various communication tools, the drawing up of a national agenda of activities, and the presentation of outstanding cases by innovative entrepreneurs from our province and other provinces of the country.

The Governor of the Province of Río Negro, Alberto Weretilnek, and the Mayor of San Carlos de Bariloche, María Eugenia Martini, officially opened the exposition, remarking that its main objective was to inform the community about projects by different technological entrepreneurs, to promote the emergence of new entrepreneurs and the exchange of ideas among them so as “to identify opportunities for technological businesses that allow a diversification of the productive matrix , providing new value added to the Province of Río Negro” —according to a publication by the provincial Secretary for Communications . Apart from INVAP, among other institutions that participated in this exposition were the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish), Altec S.E., the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA, in Spanish), as well as several universities and technical schools.

The exhibition included institutional presentations, entrepreneurs’ projects, conferences, videos and panels on the following subjects: R&D, Industrial Design, Agriculture Innovations, Innovative Products, Graphic Design, Technical Schools, Technologies for Social Development, Industry Liaison and Technology Transfer, and Robotics.

Río Negro Newspaper 
Government of the Province of Río Negro