15 June

From June 9 to 11, the 2015 Argentine Engineering Week was held in the Argentine Center of Engineers (CAI, in Spanish), in the city of Buenos Aires. The motto this year is “A profession with history that looks into the future.”

The Deputy General Manager of INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company), Engineer Juan Pablo Ordoñez, delivered a lecture in the panel entitled “Entrepreneurs, designers and manufacturers of state-of-the-art technology” together with Prof. Gerry Garbulsky who acted as moderator (TEDx Río de la Plata Organizer) and also participated in the lectures of the Academic Director of Baikal Institute, Dr. Andrei Vazhnov, and of Engineer Alan Kharsansky, of the company Satellogic.

The Argentine Engineering Week is one of the most important events of the sector. It ratifies the engineering cooperation as a discipline directly related to the economic development in Argentina. The aim of the meeting is to encourage the analysis and debate to contribute to the Argentine engineering development.

It was attended by state and private companies, chambers and associations related to the issues dealt with, national, provincial and municipal authorities, educational organizations, students and graduates.

Argentine Center of Engineers