21 April

From April 4 to 7, the eleventh edition of the most important and largest exhibition on Latin American defense “Latin America Aerospace and Defense (LAAD)” was carried out in Río de Janeiro, Brazil. Argentina took part with a stand that brought together representatives of Fábrica Argentina de Aviones “Brig. San Martín” S.A. (FAdeA, in Spanish) and of INVAP S.E. (an Argentine state-owned applied research company), among other private and state-owned companies.

The meeting, which is held every two years, usually brings together national and international companies that supply equipment, services and technology to the Armed and Police Forces, big corporation security managers and concessionaires of critical services and infrastructure.

More than 600 brands were exhibited in the event. Each of them offered solutions as regards aeronautical engineering; naval engineering; personal defense and tactical equipment; ammunition and armament; optical and optronic equipment; consultation and training services; cyber defense and cyber security; counter-terrorism; transmission; communication and positioning; emergency, search and rescue missions; access control and surveillance; defense vehicles; criminal and forensic experts’ reports; among others. The exhibition was visited by more than 37,000 qualified professionals.

+ INFO: http://www.laadexpo.com.br/es/home