7 November

A series of debates on the program of Science, Technology and Innovation for the Development and Social Cohesion of Ibero American Countries started on November 6, at the OEI Office in Buenos Aires. The meeting was organized by the OEI (Organization of Ibero-Aamerican States) and was sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCYT).


The sessions were inaugurated by Mrs. Agueda Menvielle , Director of International Relations of MINCYT and Mr. Darío Pulfer , Director General of OEI. Mr. Mario Albornoz, Coordinator of the Ibero-american observatory for Science, Technology and Society of the OEI introduced the document guidelines, which was followed by a debate among all participants on the main axes of the document . The debate was coordinated by Jesús Sebastián of High Council for Scientific Research (CSIC ).

The meeting was attended by representatives of national agencies of science and technology such as CONICET and CNEA, of INVAP, of the National Ministry of Education, the Department of International Relations of the Chilean National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) and the Embassies of Mexico and Brazil in Argentina. There were also experts in international cooperation from public and private universities and representatives of the business sector.