15 June

INVAP S.E. (Argentine state-owned applied research company) participated in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) Conference held from June 1 to 5 at Panamericano Hotel in San Carlos de Bariloche. It was attended by the representatives of 48 countries and presided over by Argentina, which form the group of countries that are at the forefront of the nuclear energy world trade.

The Argentine President, Dr. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, inaugurated the plenary session by teleconference. And, in San Carlos de Bariloche, the meeting was presided over by the Secretary of State, Lic. Héctor Timerman, and by the Ambassador Dr. Rafael Rossi. In the context of the Conference, the attendants had the chance to tour the facilities of INVAP’s headquarters, Balseiro Institute and Bariloche Atomic Center dependent on the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish).

The NSG controls essentially the transfer of equipment related to nuclear fuel cycle technologies —which Argentina completely masters— and also dual-use technologies, that is to say, liable to be used for other purposes.

The country has developed a firm nuclear plan since 2003, whose main achievements are the implementation of Atucha II nuclear power plant and the infrastructure of Atucha III, as well as full management of the nuclear fuel cycle produced by enriching uranium.

National Commission of Atomic Energy