27 October

A Workshop on Industry and Technological Innovation took place on October 26th, in the framework of the V Congress on Engineering Policies, at the Centro Argentino de Ingenieros (CAI), City of Buenos Aires.

INVAP Nuclear Projects Deputy Manager, Juan Pablo Ordoñez participated in the panel “Technological challenges for the domestic industry. Experience in Technological innovation”. The panel discussion aimed to analyze the technological challenges for Argentine industries – taking into account the regional and global scenarios – and the role of technological innovations in fostering productivity, employment and differentiation.

The panel discussion was moderated by Daniel Lupi, Chairman of the Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of the CAI. It was also formed by María Borghi, Director in CIDETER; Ricardo Dell´Agnola, Sales Manager – IMPSA; Laura Pandolfo Ferran, Technology Manager – YPF and Eduardo Nougués – Institutional Relations Manager- Ledesma S.A. and auditor at Ingenio Ledesma.

The purpose of the 5th Congress on Engineering Policies,  under the motto “Knowledge / Society / Development is to strengthen the dialogue between the different actors involved, in order to generate proposals aiming towards a sustainable economic, social, environmental and cultural development for the country in the near future.


Engineering Policies 2011

Centro Argentino de Ingenieros