18 November

As in previous occasions, INVAP (Applied Research Company) is sponsoring IB50K, a Business Plan Based on Technology contest organized by Balseiro Institute (IB, in Spanish), which depends on the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA, in Spanish) and the National University of Cuyo (UNCuyo, in Spanish). A total sum of 50,000 dollars will be awarded by IB to the three winning projects.

The aim of the contest is to support the creation and development of innovative technological companies, to encourage students and young professionals to develop their enterprising capability, and to promote the technological and industrial progress of the country.

In the context of the 2011 edition of the IB50K, a group of technologists, researchers and experts on economy and business have preliminary chosen this week five projects, to the final decision of the jury on November 24.

The proposals have been submitted by students and young professionals from the National University of La Plata, the National University of Cuyo, the Favaloro University, the National Technological University in Mendoza, the National University of the Littoral and the National University of Buenos Aires, and concern the areas of biotechnology, information and communications technology, medical physics, and applied energy technologies.

Thanks to the contribution of thirteen sponsors, the first three winning projects will receive a 30,000, 15,000 and 5,000 dollar prize, respectively.


Balseiro Institute