17 July

On July 13, INVAP signed a technological cooperation agreement with the Paraguayan company Itaipú Technological Park (Parque Tecnológico Itaipú, PTI) at INVAP’s headquarters in San Carlos de Bariloche. 

The Executive Director of PTI, Dr. María Teresa Peralta, and its Technical Director, Dr. Myriam Torres, were present at the signing ceremony together with INVAP’s General Manager & CEO, Lic. Héctor Otheguy. The event was also attended by the coordinator of the Center for Innovation in Energy Technologies (CITE, in Spanish), Eng. Juan Domaniczky, and its advisor, Dr. Geladio Zelada.

The agreement provides the guidelines to carry out activities in which PTI is interested in connection with several areas of INVAP’s work. 

In this respect, a contract was signed according to which INVAP will conduct a feasibility study for the development and implementation of a satellite mission in Paraguay. Through a joint work program, both companies will identify the main needs and/or potential applications required by Paraguay that may be satisfied using space technology in order to implement different types of satellite missions.

The agreement also aims at conveying general and specific concepts on the main elements of a satellite mission, such as Space Segment, Ground Segment, Mission Control Center, User Segment, Applications, Launcher, etc.

Several aspects concerning the implementation of a satellite mission —socioeconomic benefits, technical and programmatic characteristics, associations and regional promotion— will also be assessed so as to contribute to the decision making process in different areas of public and private activities.

Finally, it is intended to encourage the development of local capabilities regarding the human capital and the infrastructure required, and to propose a plan of action for a satellite mission implementation, on the condition that it actively involves Paraguayan professionals and technicians in the project through a specific program of space technology and know-how transfer.

+ INFO: 
Itaipú Technological Park (PTI)