28 January

During the last meeting of the Board of Directors of ACUMAR (Autoridad de la Cuenca Matanza-Riachuelo), presided over by its President, Martín Sabbatella, a tripartite cooperation agreement was reached together with INVAP and the Argentine Company for Satellite Solutions S.A. (ARSAT).

This national technological agreement is related to the expected implementation in 2022 of the Integrated Center of Environmental Monitoring and Control (CIMCA, in Spanish). The project is financed by a World Bank’s credit for the reception, registration, integration, analysis and visualization of data collected through the monitoring and imaging systems already existing in ACUMAR, in addition to those provided by the new equipment that will be supplied and installed in the basin’s area.

On January 25, Nahuel Schenone, coordinator of the Water Management Plan of ACUMAR, visited INVAP’s headquarters, where he was welcomed by Dr. Vicente Campenni, General Manager of the company, and Engineer Juan Pablo Brioni, its Government Business Assistant Manager. On that occasion, details of the agreement and its cooperation stages were discussed.

INVAP is a State-owned company created in 1976 by Provincial Decree No. 661/46, through an agreement between the Government of the Province of Río Negro and the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy. It is devoted to the development, design, manufacture, assemblage and supply of high value-added equipment, systems and plants for the nuclear, space, industrial, energy, medicine, defense, security, and commercial aerial navigation sectors.