17 December

After a second meeting held between the leaders of the VALOR (VALUE) Program, INVAP and some of the company’s local suppliers, the final group that will participate in said Program was defined.  The Program is sponsored by the Argentine Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), through the MIF (Multilateral Investment Fund), to develop Social Corporate Responsibility in San Carlos de Bariloche.

Small businesses (PyMEs) that form part of INVAP’s value chain and will receive consulting services to work on CSR and improve competitiveness in the following months are:

1. Albano Construcciones
3. Argenware
4. Cenitec S.R.L. 
5. Centro del Copiado
6. Energía SRL
7. HIZA S.R.L.
8. Informática Global
9. Ingelsud S.A.
10. Privatel
11. RACAL S.R.L.

These selected businesses will receive intensive consulting services in order to work with CSR at different levels.  Through consultants specially trained by the “VALOR” Program, they will start working in an “Evaluation and Diagnose” stage that will enable the companies to design an Improvement plan suited to each case.

VALOR represents a very important step in INVAP’s CSR strategy that will allow the consolidation of solid and trustworthy relationships, based on principles of shared responsibility, along the whole value chain of the company.

It is the aim of the program that companies taking part of it will have the chance to learn and grow in internal aspects such as organization, human resources and communication of vision concepts to the group as well as in external aspects such as environmental care, relationship with suppliers and clients, among others.

AMIA and INVAP presented their Corporate Social Responsibility Program
