27 May

On April 11, INVAP took part in the Companies and Postgraduate Studies exposition called “Find+”, held in the city of Córdoba —an opportunity for the integration of students and graduates with universities and companies. The fair was mainly aimed at students and young professionals related to careers such as engineering, economics and the like.

The objective of “Find +” was to offer attendants the possibility of getting information about different internships, academic programs and postgraduate studies, and even the opportunity of being interviewed by the participating companies’ representatives. The Argentine Association of Industrial Engineering Students (AArEII, in Spanish), which also groups students from related careers, has organized this event in various cities of the country, at least once a year since 2008.

In this new edition, the “Córdoba 2014 Fair” that included several lectures participated more than two thousand Industrial Engineering and related careers students and graduates from the National University of Córdoba, the Catholic University of Córdoba and the Córdoba Regional School dependent on the National Technological University (UTN, in Spanish).

In the context of this meeting, the Engineer Marcelo Basigalup, Government Project Manager of INVAP (applied research company) delivered a lecture at the National University of Córdoba about “Argentine ingenuity and tools made in Argentina”, which was attended by around 400 students.

Companies and Postgraduate Studies Fair “Find +”