1 August

On June 29, the Environmental Seminar for the Argentine Development was held in the city of Buenos Aires. Organized by the Argentine Development Foundation (DAR, in Spanish) together with the Provincial Agency for Sustainable Development (OPDS, in Spanish) and the Federal Council of Environment (COFEMA, in Spanish), the seminar dealt with climate change effects, biodiversity, the latest papal encyclical “Laudato si”, water, alternative sources of energy, environmental education and waste disposal.

The Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Lic. Daniel Scioli, was in charge of opening the meeting. It brought together the leading representatives of the most important environmental issues at present, such as the National Environmental Secretary, Dr. Sergio Lorusso, who expounded on Climate Change Effects; the Vice-governor of the Province of Misiones, Lic. Hugo Passalacqua, who delivered a lecture on Biodiversity Preservation in Argentina; the General Manager & CEO of INVAP, Lic. Héctor Otheguy; the Director of Y-TEC, Engineer Santiago Sacerdote; the President of AySA Argentinos S.A. (Argentine state-owned water and sanitation company), Mr. Carlos Ben, and the government advisor, Prof. Aldo Carreras, among other authorities and experts in the field. 

DAR Foundation